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Krah Europaparlament

Far-right German MEP Maximilian Krah Leaves AfD in Wake of Antisemitic Comments

Party leadership bans Krah from appearances, further isolating radical wing

MEP denies wrongdoing, claims he was misquoted

Maximilian Krah, a leading member of Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, has withdrawn from the party's executive board following allegations of antisemitism. The AfD leadership has also imposed a ban on Krah making public appearances, effectively sidelining him within the party.

The controversy stems from comments Krah made during a speech in which he reportedly equated the Holocaust with the Allied bombings of Dresden during World War II. Krah has denied making the remarks, claiming he was misquoted. However, witnesses and recordings of the speech appear to support the allegations.

Krah's departure and the AfD's response have further divided the party, which has been struggling to maintain unity in recent months. The radical wing of the AfD, led by Krah and others, has been pushing for a more extreme agenda, while the party leadership has sought to distance itself from overt racism and antisemitism.

The allegations against Krah and his subsequent withdrawal from the party leadership have dealt a blow to the AfD's attempts to present itself as a mainstream political force. The party is now facing growing pressure to expel Krah and other far-right elements in order to restore its credibility.
